The Mood Test
This quiz consists of 20 questions designed to help you find the perfect city for your new journey. Once you've completed the quiz, please provide your email address so we can send you your results.
Why do you want to move abroad ?
When would you like to move to Colombia?
How big is your expat party (adults; 16+)?
Number of children (children under 16)?
What's your monthly household budget in the USA?
Most people leaving the U.S. end up applying for one of these kinds of visas. Which would you apply for
What kind of weather do you prefer
What vibes are you looking for from a city?
Would you rather live near the Beach, Nature, or a Concrete Jungle?
How do you expect to pay for healthcare when you're abroad?
Do you prefer any of these city features?
What is important to be legal to you when thinking of moving abroad?
Which of these topics are important to you?